Churches in Winter Garden, FL
Winter Garden, Florida has become one of the most popular suburbs in the Orlando metro region. It’s got big city amenities and small town charm. Winter Garden’s slogan is, “Where Good Things Grow.” Well, that’s definitely true for many of the churches in the area.
If you’re looking for a church in Winter Garden, Florida, we’ve got you covered. Obviously, we’d love for you to check-out our church, Horizon City Church, but we’re certainly not the only congregation around. If you live in southern Winter Garden, you may also want to check out churches in Horizon West.
Emmaus Church
Emmaus Church is one of several Reformed churches in our region. They are not officially part of a Presbyterian denomination, but they (mostly) hold to classic Presbyterian theology. Emmaus practices expository preaching. They place significant emphasis on seeking to be a hospitable community. For many years, Emmaus Church met at The Garden Theater in downtown Winter Garden, but now they meet in Oakland, FL, just a few minutes west of downtown Winter Garden. Their music style is soft contemporary music with traditional hymns mixed in.
First Baptist Church Winter Garden
First Baptist Church Winter Garden is a Southern Baptist Church with many quintessential Southern Baptist elements including theology, music, and outreach philosophy. They’ve got multiple campus throughout the region, with their main campus being in downtown Winter Garden on Plant Street. They preach a blend of topical and expository sermons. First Baptist Winter Garden is the home church of Foundation Academy and Winter Garden Academy. They’re also known for having a heavy emphasis on family ministries.
Grace Church Orlando
Grace Church Orlando is part of the Sovereign Grace network, which seeks to mesh classic Calvinistic theology with a heavy emphasis on the gifts of the Spirit. Grace Church Orlando is known for emphasizing expository preaching, community groups, and a variety of family ministries. Grace Church meets just south of FL-50, right off of Daniels Road.
Hope Church
Hope Church is part of the ARC network. They hold to mainstream charismatic theology and have an emphasis on having a relevant and contemporary worship style. They preach mostly practical topical sermons. They’re also known for greatly emphasizing outreach and service in the community. Hope Church meets at the Roper YMCA.
Horizon City Church
Horizon City Church (that’s us) is a new church in our area. We’re a part of Pillar Network (a subnetwork within the Southern Baptist Convention). We meet at Sunridge Elementary School in Winter Garden. We preach expository sermons and use a classic Protestant liturgy. We also greatly emphasize strong relationships; we aim to be an easy-entry community for new comers. Our doctrines tend to align with both Desiring God and 9Marks. We sing mostly contemporary worship songs and modern hymns, with a few traditional hymns mixed in too. Plan your visit.
Mosaic Church
Mosaic Church is part of the Acts29 network. Their building is located on FL-50 in the heart of Winter Garden. Mosaic Church elders lean toward Calvinistic theology and practices expository preaching, but their worship service is more contemporary and dynamic. Mosaic sings mostly contemporary worship songs, but occasionally mixes-in modern hymns. Mosaic also places huge emphasis on global missions, kids programs, and adoption.
Lakeside Church
Lakeside Church‘s slogan is, “No perfect people allowed.” Their goal is to cultivate authentic community. Lakeside Church is a charismatic church in Oakland, FL; their building is on FL-50. They hold to mainstream charismatic theology. They preach mostly practical topical sermons. Lakeside also heavily emphasizes high-energy, high-production, relevant, and contemporary worship service.
Northwest Church
Northwest Church meets on FL-50 in the heart of Winter Garden. More details coming soon.
St. John’s Church
St. John’s Church is part of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). They hold to classic Presbyterian doctrine and utilize elements of traditional Presbyterian liturgy. St. John’s focus is to “give our Maker and Redeemer all the praise He is due.” They sing classic hymns with some Psalms mixed in too, led by a worship team and accompanied by piano and flute. They meet at West Orange High School.
Sunlight Community Church at Winter Garden
Sunlight Community Church at Winter Garden is a campus of Sunlight Community Church in Port Saint Lucie, FL. They hold to classic Reformed doctrine. They place great emphasis on Bible study and one-on-one, life-on-life discipleship. They have English and Portuguese services in Winter Garden (and Korean and Spanish services at other campuses); they believe that diversity brings out the beauty of Christ’s true church. Their building is located on Avalon Road in south Winter Garden. Their church is also the home of Sunlight Christian Academy.
The Crossings Church
The Crossings Church places great emphasis on ensuring that believers are equipped, encouraged, and empowered in their relationship in Christ. Sunday services are designed to be exciting, casual, and relaxed. They hold to mainstream evangelical theology. Their sermons are mostly practical topical sermons, with emphasis on the importance of believers sharing their faith with love and confidence. Their church building is on FL-50 in the heart of Winter Garden.
Vertical Church
Vertical Church is a new church in the area. Their vision is to bring glory to God by multiplying disciples. They have a reputation for being highly relational. They emphasize getting people connected to their Disciple Groups and Multiply Groups. They preach expository sermons, their music style is contemporary, and they affirm the doctrines of grace. They meet in the Chapel of Quest Church in Gotha, FL.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church is part of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). In our society, most Lutheran churches have tragically abandoned the true gospel, but the LCMS churches have remained faithful. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church holds to classic Lutheran doctrine and they utilize a traditional Lutheran liturgy (“Common Service”). Their music is led by an organist and they use a traditional Lutheran hymnal (“Lutheran Service Book”). Their building is located near the intersection of Avalon Road and Marsh Road.
This isn’t an exhaustive list. There’s many other churches in Winter Garden and surrounding regions.

Kenny Ortiz (Th.M.) is Lead Pastor of Horizon City Church and chief content creator for Theology for the Rest of Us. He’s also an adjunct professor and entrepreneur. Kenny is married to Malaina, they have three kids.